Week 3 (7/14 - 7/20) was supposed to be another 3/5/3 mile sets during the week with a 6m run on the weekend. I "excused" myself that week because it was Masters Nationals. So I did run a lot - league on Tuesday and frisbee Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so for a light rest week I didn't worry a lot about exact mileage.
Week 4 (7/21 - 7/27) was supposed to be a 3/6/3 mid week with an 11m run on the weekend. I did do one run of not quite 6m and some frisbee, but then I went to Arkansas and absolutely did not do an 11m run. Totally got in some cross training in the form of swimming in the pool and nerf gun battles.
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Nephews extraordinare! |
Technically I should be on week 7. This would include a 14m run this weekend. Could I do it? Yes. I know that as long as I'm active I will always be able to run at least a half marathon so 14m doesn't really sound that daunting. But part of doing a training and sticking to it was to do a training and stick to it and dear readers, I failed horribly.
But I am committed to failing forward*. So I've decided to back up and restart at week 4. So day 47 in real life is now day 26 in training.
Here is what the next two weeks look like:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Wk 4 Plan Rest 3mi 6mi pace 3mi Rest 11mi Cross
Actual 3.29mi 5.83mi 5mi walk rest
Wk 5 Plan Rest 3mi 6mi 3mi Rest 12mi Cross
I have frisbee league on Sundays now so I have my cross training locked up. I'm hoping I can get myself back in the routine of running consistantly. I notice I feel better, I work better, and overall I'm just a better person when I do this.
*Failing forward came from one of my favorite co-workers. We've had a very challenging project going on almost 2 years and had to do a presentation this week on it's status (spoiler status was not great but we're fixing it). She brought up that at least we are failing forward, making mistakes but making mistakes and keeping our focus on how to move forward and fix them to ultimately get a product that will benefit everyone. With that in mind I am committed to failing forward with this training and while I made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes I'm going to keep moving myself in the direction of my goal - completing this training in it's entirety.